June ’24 DAR Star: Megan Jenkins

by Rachael Andrews

We work with absolutely incredible people—and we all have varied interests and experiences, which adds to the unique makeup of the University of Georgia. We’ll be regularly spotlighting a few rock stars from around the division so that even if you don’t cross paths with them in the break room or Zoom with them on a weekly basis, you can get to know colleagues who can enhance your work life and productivity.

Without further ado, please enjoy our Q&A with Megan Jenkins …

Name: Megan Jenkins

Title: Administrative Specialist, Office of the Vice President

  • Supporting the greatest leaders in DAR and ensuring that everything operates efficiently and effectively.

Where can we find you?

  • Online: ude.agu@sniknej.nagem
  • On Campus: 1 Press Place
  • At Home: Hull, Georgia

Time in DAR: 3 years in August!

Where did you grow up: Waldorf, Maryland

What is your favorite reason for working for UGA/DAR? DAR colleagues are the best! I look forward to coming to the office every day.

No. 1 tip for someone just joining DAR? Collaborate!

On a typical Saturday evening, you can find me… On the couch reading a book.

What are 3 things you wish others in DAR knew about your job? Did you know I pick out ALL the snacks for the Development Meetings and Discover DAR sessions? Much of what I do is behind the scenes, from organizing events to handling logistics, my work helps ensure for my team’s success. I get the opportunity to work with DAR staff across campus.

Something you may not know about me… I competed in a CrossFit competition!

Tell us about your family! My husband, Patrick, son, Caleb and our sweet dog, Bailey are my life. We love to play sports, create recipes, go hiking and read on the weekends!

My dream vacation (cost and time aside) would be to visit… anywhere in the mountains with my family.

We hope you learned something new about Megan. We are lucky to have her on our DAR team! Feel free to reach out to her if you would like to suggest snacks for the next Discover DAR session or get in a quick CrossFit workout.