July ’24 DAR Star: Abby Bryant

by Rachael Andrews

We work with absolutely incredible people—and we all have varied interests and experiences, which adds to the unique makeup of the University of Georgia. We’ll be regularly spotlighting a few rock stars from around the division so that even if you don’t cross paths with them in the break room or Zoom with them on a weekly basis, you can get to know colleagues who can enhance your work life and productivity.

Without further ado, please enjoy our Q&A with Abby Bryant …

Name: Abby Bryant

Title: Assistant Director of Donor Relations & Stewardship

  • I am charged with making sure our donors feel loved, recognized and appreciated. It is my goal as a stewardship professional to continue the fundraising cycle by stewarding in a way that inspires donors to qualify again to make their next gift. It’s exciting to have the opportunity to be a part of our grow, give, guide model.

Where can we find you?

  • Online: ude.agu@tnayrb.ybba
  • On Campus: Veterinary Teaching Hospital
  • At Home: Athens, Georgia

Time in DAR: 8 years!

Where did you grow up: Athens, Georgia

What is your favorite reason for working for UGA/DAR? I am proud of the work we do in DAR. It is exciting to be a part of a bigger vision and mission that impacts countless lives. I appreciate our DAR community as well. It’s so much fun getting to know our colleagues and learn about all of the remarkable work taking place across campus, as well as exciting things happening in their own lives!

On a typical Saturday evening, you can find me… Hanging out at home with my dog, Bonnie, enjoying a weekend getaway, or in Sanford Stadium cheering on the Dawgs!

Favorite book or podcast? I enjoy an occasional read, usually any fiction focused on WWII, mysteries, or easy reads. A few of my favorites include: “The Tattooist of Auschwitz,” “Beneath a Scarlet Sky,” and most recently, “A Flicker in the Dark” by UGA’s very own Stacy Willingham.

Something you might not know about me is… I recently earned my Master’s of Education in Learning, Leadership and Organization Development from UGA!

No. 1 tip for someone just joining DAR? Network! Get to know your DAR & UGA colleagues across campus!

Tell us about your family! I have a dog named Bonnie, who is a one year old English Cream Golden Retriever. She loves pup cups, chewing sticks, and exploring during walks. My mom, Peggy, is a retired teacher from a 30+ year career in elementary education, and my dad, Steve (aka: ChickenHawk), is a retired Athletic Trainer from a 37+ year career in UGA Athletics Sports Medicine. I also have a brother named Bradley who is a Marshal Coordinator for F1 Miami Grand Prix.

We hope you learned something new about Abby. We are lucky to have her on our DAR team! Feel free to reach out to her if you would like to network or chat about your favorite books.
