by Abbie Jones
DAR Web Directory Process
Advancement Services, Communications, Constituent Programs, Finance & HR, Gift and Estate Planning, Information Technology, Office of Strategic Programming, Research & Prospect Management, Talent Management
Ensuring the online directory for DAR staff is accurate is not only helpful to colleagues and donors, but it’s crucial to fostering a collaborative environment that encourages quick and clear communication.
Below is an updated process to…

by Gabby Adekogbe
November '24 DAR Star: Pansy V. Bond
We work with absolutely incredible people — and we all have varied interests and experiences, which adds to the unique makeup of the University of Georgia. We’ll be regularly spotlighting a few rock stars from around the division so that…

by Stephanie Harrison
DAR Guidance for Purchasing Needs
One of the goals of the DAR Finance Team is to support the division's purchasing needs. The team wants to ensure that individuals making purchases are aware of appropriate purchasing methods and requirements. This helps ensure that employees…

by Emily Ann Munnell
May '23 DAR Star: Brian Strickland
We work with absolutely incredible people—and we all have varied interests and experiences, which adds to the unique makeup of the University of Georgia. We’ll be regularly spotlighting a few rock stars from around the division so that even…

by Scarlett Hart
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
For those requesting employment verification for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, please follow the university’s procedure.
University Human Resources can complete the employer section of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness form for…

by Scarlett Hart
Verifying Employment at UGA
I’d like to share guidance for requesting employment verification. The following applies to ALL forms of employment verification, regardless whether it is to include salary information. For liability purposes, please always adhere to the…

by Emily Czaplinski
Staff Retreat Pre-Approval Policy
Following up on the UGAF policies, please follow the DAR-specific policy related to staff retreats.
If there is a business agenda for the retreat, the updated UGAF policy would allow for it to fall under section '8.6 Employee-Only Meals to…

by Scarlett Hart
Requests for Extended Leave (e.g. FMLA)
As you are aware, with the implementation of OneUSG Connect, processes for submitting absence requests have changed. One particular process is for absences that will require time away from work on a continuous or intermittent basis that is applicable…