New Region Codes

by Daynes Parker

We added new region codes to GAIL for all US Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas as well as all Micropolitan Statistical Areas in the state of Georgia. When using the query tool, these region code values are denoted with MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), CSA (Combined Statistical Area), or mSA (Micropolitan Statistical Area).

In the coming weeks, we will update any existing queries and reports using Alumni Association Chapter Region Codes outside of Alumni Association to the new region codes. If your unit wants to opt out of these changes, or if you have any questions about these changes, please let us know.

We hope that this will make our region codes more consistent and predictable for our users. Definitions of all MSAs, CSAs, and mSAs can be found at


If you have any questions, please reach out to ude.agu@tiksa or Olivia Engesser (ude.agu@ressegne).
