August ’24 DAR Star: Eliza Hembree

by Rachael Andrews

We work with absolutely incredible people—and we all have varied interests and experiences, which adds to the unique makeup of the University of Georgia. We’ll be regularly spotlighting a few rock stars from around the division so that even if you don’t cross paths with them in the break room or Zoom with them on a weekly basis, you can get to know colleagues who can enhance your work life and productivity.

Without further ado, please enjoy our Q&A with Eliza Hembree …

Name: Eliza Hembree

Title: Senior Development Analyst

  • As a researcher, my goal is to find information to empower strategy for fundraisers and find prospects so they can get connected with UGA. In the grand picture of fundraising, I want to use data in collaboration with people power to help prospects fulfill their philanthropic goals with UGA.

Where can we find you?

  • Online: ude.agu@eerbmeh.yram
  • On Campus: 1 Press Place
  • At Home: Barrow County, Georgia

Time in DAR: 2 years!

What are 3 things you wish others in DAR knew about your job?

  1. Our teams love to assist in any way we can, and we love to hear from fellow staff (in general, but also about how we can help them achieve their goals).

  2. The strongest combination is mixing our objective data with fundraisers subjective data.

  3. We have a plethora of resources to utilize when creating our products, lists, etc.! So please ask us your unique request, we can probably help.

Outside of work, I’m passionate about… Serving. I am an active member of the Athens Church of Christ, and I am passionate about doing all I can to serve others.

What is your favorite meal to have at lunch? As basic as it is, I love a Cobb salad from Chick-fil-a.

What is a work project you’ve been most proud of participating in? RPM Deep Dive Trainings – It is so great to help staff be able to better utilize our team.

On a typical Saturday evening, you can find me… Watching Gilmore Girls.

Something you might not know about me is… I play on my church’s softball league!

Lately, I’ve been watching… Any documentary series about the Disney parks that I can find

Tell us about your family! I am getting married in September to my fiancé, Elliott Hood. And all who know me, are well aware that my nieces are the lights of my life (and yes I will show you pictures if you stop by my work space).

We hope you learned something new about Eliza. We are lucky to have her on our DAR team! Feel free to reach out to her if you would like to grab a Cobb salad for lunch or chat about the Disney Parks.
