Connecting you to your cause
The greatest quality in a Bulldog? Loyalty. Annual gifts are the evidence of loyalty. Establishing giving habits early is critical because most donors’ capacity and propensity to give increases over time. We’re focused on increasing the number of donors to UGA and building a pool of donors to advance through the fundraising pipeline.
On a daily basis, you’ll find our central annual giving office raising money for UGA’s campus-wide unrestricted funds and every school, college and unit through acquisition, renewal and upgrade strategies. We closely track and analyze data to drive our tactics which include phone and texting campaigns, direct mailers, e-solicitations, magazine inserts, advertising, digital appeals and more. Ultimately, our goal is to form stronger donor relationships and solidify the bond between UGA and our supporters.
The Engagement Center
The Annual Giving team is proud to operate the University of Georgia Engagement Center, which has over 25 years of calling success. Our student representatives are critical to our fundraising mission, reaching out to alumni and parents to share past and current UGA experiences.