by Gabby Adekogbe
December '24 DAR Star: Michelle Rotondo
We work with absolutely incredible people — and we all have varied interests and experiences, which adds to the unique makeup of the University of Georgia. We’ll be regularly spotlighting a few rock stars from around the division so that…

by Lindsay Tuck Morris
January '24 DAR Star: Alysse Capitanelli
Meet this month's DAR Star Alysse Capitanelli, an interim senior regional director who enjoys listening to podcasts.

by Kate Lovin
Collaboration Spotlight: Virtual New Parent Welcome Events
The Parent Giving and Regional Programs teams joined forces to engage parents of new UGA students across the country.

by Michelle Versfeld
Collaboration Spotlight: Ask Me Anything
Business Engagement, Communications, Office of Alumni Relations, Regional Development, UGA Foundation
The successful Ask Me Anything series is an example of the innovative collaboration that happens between DAR units even in challenging times.

by Adam Roell
Emailing Efficiently
Let us get one thing out of the way: I cannot take credit for this idea. Someone taught me this previously, and now I want to pass it on to anyone who has ever gotten frustrated with emailing to the masses.
This method may not be as efficient…

by Jane Barghothi
The Life Cycle of a Gift
Bringing a gift to fruition from beginning to end is often a full team effort. It includes multiple departments, colleagues and activity and happens over time – sometimes months, sometimes years.
The following story describes the team effort…

by Adam Roell
Humility: A Fundraiser's Best Friend
Usually when people think of humility, it is not the first quality that they want others to notice about themselves. Humility can sometimes be associated with a lack of confidence, knowledge, or skill in a particular profession. In the world…

by Jane Barghothi
10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming a Frontline Fundraiser
Do you ever look back on the first few years of your career as a fundraiser and say to yourself, “Did I really do that?” I have multiple times, whether it was making an assumption about a donor or over-researching a prospect before picking…

by Adam Prescott
How Do You Eat An Elephant? The Road Warrior’s Starter Guide for Frontline Fundraisers
How do you eat an elephant? With one bite at a time! As a Development Officer with a multitude of goals looming over your head, it can be easy to sit down at your desk/airplane seat/Starbucks table and feel discouraged. We work in a metric-driven…