Public Administration and Policy Professor Amanda Abraham teaches a class.
by Laura Bayne

TAP: How UGA Employees Can Get More Education for Free and Why They Should

In 37 days I will walk across the stage in Stegeman and graduate with a Master of Public Administration without having to take out student loans or having spent (much) of my own money. Did you know the University System of Georgia allows employees…
Extended Leave(s)
by Scarlett Hart

Requests for Extended Leave (e.g. FMLA)

As you are aware, with the implementation of OneUSG Connect, processes for submitting absence requests have changed.  One particular process is for absences that will require time away from work on a continuous or intermittent basis that is applicable…
by Andrea Parris

February 2019 Division Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone who made it to the DAR Division meeting on February 11th! Below is a recap of what was covered along with some helpful links. Kelly Kerner introduced the first-ever SIC'Em award winners. DARCOMM presented the new…
Sic Em
by Krislyn Johnson

Hey Superhero, What's Your Strength?

In almost every job interview, a candidate is asked to share their strengths and weaknesses. Though most people will answer generally, most will answer the question with regard to the position being sought. In other words, they refer to their…
by Andrea Parris

First-ever DAR SIC'Em Award Winners

The purpose of the DAR SIC'Em Awards program is to recognize each other for going above and beyond in embodying the values of Servant Leadership, Innovation and Commitment. We had an impressive 53 nominations for 36 individuals this first…
by Michelle Carter

Diversity and Inclusion: Honoring Two Trailblazers

It is always prudent to take a moment to reflect on the great history of the University of Georgia. Today we will take a look at two trailblazers, Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter, the first two African American students to enroll at the…
by Andrea Parris

What Keeps Us Up at Night?

What keeps you up at night? I usually wake up in a panic that I’ve forgotten to answer an email about this or that. So what is the first thing I do when I can’t sleep? I grab my phone. I know I shouldn’t, but it’s a habit. It’s hard…