Proofing Text Image
by Emily Ann Munnell

Avoid Common Grammar Errors

Even the most brilliant minds will sometimes make silly errors when writing. These mistakes can undermine the credibility of all their communications. Business Insider ranked the top 10 grammar mistakes people make.  Extra spaces In the article,…
cafeteria line
by Patrick Knowles

Tips on Identifying Planned Giving Prospects

People assume that when identifying the ideal planned giving prospect, they are describing an older generation that attends the early bird restaurant specials and the local bingo hour. Yes, planned giving prospects tend to be an older population,…
Speakers for 2021 GLO event
by Laura Bayne

SPIA’s First Hybrid Fundraiser: 2021 Georgia Legislative Outlook

On Tuesday, February 16th, the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs held their ninth annual Georgia Legislative Outlook (GLO). GLO is an annual event hosted by the SPIA Alumni Board of Directors. The event seeks…
by Destiny Loyd

The Unsung Hero Experience

It was completely unexpected. … I've noticed and read many of the Unsung Hero features in the Archnews COVID-19 update newsletters, and admired the staff featured, sharing how they mustered forward throughout the pandemic to ensure their…
Sicem ipsum graphic
by Amanda Qubty

Sicem Ipsum: UGA-inspired Lorem Ipsum

"Athenis est optimus locus in terris." - some guy in ancient Greece, probably. Lorem ipsum go dawgs filler copy but make it classic city. Hot rod semper canum never bark alone. Lorem ipsum, also referred to as lipsum, is the filler text…
Image highlighting email icon
by Kalah Mingo

Best Email Marketing Practices for Virtual Events

With the saturation of virtual events, it’s now more important than ever to strategize our email marketing efforts to effectively engage our alumni and spread the word of online event offerings. But how do we do that? Here are some tips to…
Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down illustration
by Jessica DeAngelis

How to Share Constructive Feedback

I’ve written this from the point-of-view of a designer who needs feedback from a client, but I hope the points made prove helpful to anyone who is tasked with giving feedback of any kind. “Remember that every project requires a little back…
by Chatise R. Smith

How to Personalize Your Direct Mail Solicitations

The annual giving team has seen the benefits of incorporating variable data into direct mail solicitations. In FY20, the Fall Direct Mail Solicitation—one of UGA’s largest and most personalized mailings to date—brought in over $250,000.…
by Leah Hansen

Iteration Station

Imagine a client came to you and said, "We need 3 logos for a campaign that is launching in 3 weeks. GO!" How would you even begin to get started? That is a question that graphic designers have to ask themselves daily. Starting from a blank…
by Edwin Hammond

Keeping It Real – How To Be Authentic With Your Video

When it comes to connecting with your audience, you gotta keep it real. One of the most important aspects of storytelling is authenticity. With the videos we create, our goal is to tell a compelling story that connects with and engages our audience.…