by Edwin Hammond
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!
“Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
Truer words have never been spoken, particularly when it comes to video content. TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts have taken advantage of short attention spans and shown that people crave…

by Jill Bateman
Texting 101: Message Tips
Texting can be a powerful way to engage University of Georgia constituencies. Increase effectiveness by considering these tips when composing text messages.
Consider … “Is this valuable information for the audience?”
Verify the…

by Ryan Phillips
Six Analytics Tools for Annual Giving
Here are six tools and how to use them in order to help you assess your program's annual giving.

by Gabby Brickner
3 Remedies for Workplace Anxiety
Believe it or not, simply writing this blog induces feelings of anxiety within me.
I was never really the writing type growing up. In fact, I can vividly remember the essay assignments that caused many restless and panicked nights throughout…

by Marcus Jennings
Zoom and Kaltura: Two peas in a pod
I’m sure most of you have used YouTube, Vimeo or other online video sharing platforms in some capacity. Did you know UGA offers a similar product for faculty, staff, and students to use for FREE?!
If not, let me introduce you to Kaltura.…

by Jessica DeAngelis
S.W.A.G., Stuff We All Get
If Michael Scott didn’t make it clear enough, swag means branded promotional items that you give to your target audience. It’s no secret that everyone loves free stuff—and that certainly includes University of Georgia donors, alumni…

by Emily Ann Munnell
Avoid Common Grammar Errors
Even the most brilliant minds will sometimes make silly errors when writing. These mistakes can undermine the credibility of all their communications. Business Insider ranked the top 10 grammar mistakes people make.
Extra spaces
In the article,…

by Ashley Crain
From Blah to Blog
At some point in our careers, we’ve all faced the dreaded, but unavoidable, writer’s block. Whether it’s drafting an email, creating copy for a direct mail piece or, in my case, writing my first DAR blog, there comes a time within the…

by Colleen Pruitt
Invest in Yourself
Many of us are likely all too familiar with well-being buzzwords like “mindfulness” and “self-care”. Over the past year, I would bet a few of us have even read an article or two on managing stress, looked for a list of self-care hacks…

by Edwin Hammond
I'll GIF It My Best Shot
Nothing quite brings me as much joy as finding the perfect GIF (pronounced with a hard G, not like a brand of peanut butter). Countless moments from movies and tv shows have been turned into legendary GIFs that are always available should you…