You Get a Form & You Get a Form

by Ashley Crain

As most of you are aware, the DAR Communications team works diligently to make the journey from project pre-planning all the way through project debrief as seamless as possible. From encouraging more collaboration amongst units to asking if the “peach is really worth the picking” (shoutout to Sherry Abrams for gifting us with our new favorite idiom), our goal is simple: to provide our units with the materials and support needed to make every project, event, and campaign a success for UGA.

Enter Asana forms.

Asana is the Communications team’s management mothership for DAR projects, and one cog within this massive project management machine is Asana forms. Asana forms allow us to create a customized form for each unit to fill out and submit prior to a marketing kickoff meeting, which then allows every Communications team member involved with that project to be better prepared ahead of the kickoff meeting.

These forms, as some of you may have already experienced, encourage units to think through all the bells and whistles of their projects well ahead of time and home in on where DARCOMM’s assistance is needed. Starting the planning process before the marketing kickoff allows for a more productive meeting and sets a steady pace for DARCOMM to develop and create the marketing tactics needed to see the project come to fruition.

Here’s how the Asana form process will work between DARCOMM and all units:

  1. Your DARCOMM communications coordinator will email their units the Asana form two weeks prior your scheduled marketing kickoff. *Note: Every unit will be asked to fill out a form for every project on your unit’s project list.
  2. The unit will then be asked to complete and submit the form one week prior to the marketing kickoff.
  3. Your communications coordinator will use what you submitted to build and send the kickoff agenda to every invited attendee ahead of the kickoff.

It’s that easy! For a more in-depth look into this process, view the video above. For further questions, please email me at ude.agu@niarcyelhsa.
